IC-DISC Services

Any closely held company exporting U.S. made products or generating income from engineering or architectural services on foreign construction products must consider forming an Interest Charge Domestic International Sales Corporation (IC-DISC). Failure to act means missing out on one of the most generous tax reduction tools that survived the tax reform act.
Many businesses today still fail to take full advantage of all the benefits of U.S. IC-DISC benefits despite its more than 45-year history offering tax breaks to U.S. exporters.
Typically established by the business owners as a brother-sister entity to the operating business, an IC-DISC offers tax benefits derived from transferring export profits on U.S. goods from the operating company to the IC-DISC. The IC-DISC is not taxable but it is required to distribute its earnings to its shareholders who recognize the distributions as taxable dividend income which is taxed at reduced rates
FJV is the provider of choice to any taxpayer with or considering an IC-DISC. With over 25 years of experience with these export benefits we are the U.S. leader in optimizing IC-DISC benefits. We have set up and/or optimized over 100 IC-DISC entities. With each of these, we’ve used creative tax planning techniques we’ve gained through our experience to give our clients the competitive advantage with increased tax savings than those offered by less experienced firms.
See our Representative Projects
Let FJV be your competitive advantage. Call 617-770-7286 now or request a free consultation online to learn more about transfer pricing services for your global business.